O inverno ucraniano
"It was the dead of winter. The great lawn in front was as pure and smooth as an Alpine snowfield, a white and feathery level sparkling under the sun as if sprinkled with diamond-dust, declining gently to the lake - a long, sinuous piece of frozen water looking bluish and more solid than the earth. A cold brilliant sun glided low above and undulating horizon of great folds of snow in which the villages of Ukrainian peasants remained out of sight, like clusters of boats hidden in the hollows of a running sea."
(Joseph Conrad, Prince Roman, Selected Short Stories, Wordsworth, 1997, pp. 207-208)
- Sobre o britânico Joseph Conrad e polaco Józef Korzeniowski, e nisso também sobre suas ideias relativamente à Rússia, ver este interessante artigo, muito recorrendo à sua correspondência: "Conrad and European Politics", de Sylvère Monod
(Deixara esta citação há muitos anos no ma-schamba)